Hello! Thank you for coming to my new website/blog.
I've decided to switch things up and start (mostly) from scratch.
Why? Well you know when you have one of those moments
where you catch your reflection in the screen of your phone
or computer and begin to ask yourself, "What the hell
am I doing with my time"? Yeah, well I had one of those moments.
So, I decided to scrap most of my social media accounts - they
gave me more negative feelings than positive ones. I also
re-evaluated what a "website" for myself means.
Sure, it's a place to highlight my portfolio for future job
applications. But I also have a more romantic idea of carving
out my own little corner of the internet where I am totally
free to be creative and put stuff up "publicly" without
worrying so much.
And yes, that means it will most often be me tossing things
into the void without getting anything back. But I still
think having this space to do that will be good for me.
I started by stripping back all the fancy shmancy website
stuff that I was paying too much for and chose this great
place to harken back to "the good times" of the internet.
I'll be adding some of the blog posts I made on my previous
site that I'm proud of. Not all of them. I'm not proud of many.
My hope in all this is to liberate my creativity. Spark some
inspiration, of which I have been severely lacking the past
year or so.
Let's hope it works!